77th World Health Assembly

27 May - 01 June, 2024

The 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) will take place from 27 May – 01 June 2024 at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland and the provisional agenda for this year’s meeting can be found here.

What is WHA?

WHA is the annual meeting of the world’s ministries of health, hosted and convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) to set global health policy. Delegates make decisions on health targets, financing and strategies that will guide their own public health work. In regard to climate change, it is an opportunity to ensure that the health impacts of the climate crisis and climate action are discussed and acted upon at the highest level of global health decision making.

Why is this an important year for the climate crisis and health?

This year is pivotal for the climate crisis and health movement as it includes a specific agenda item on ‘climate change, pollution and health’ and discussion of a climate change WHA ResolutionA WHA resolution is a formal expression of the opinion or will of the 192 Member States. If adopted, this climate change resolution will outline actions for member states and WHO to take on climate and health.

What does the climate and health community want to achieve this year?

The health and climate community will be present at WHA and will advocate for the adoption of a robust climate change WHA resolution and to raise the political profile of the links between human health and the climate crisis. By having a united presence the health and climate community want to make it clear that health actors are significant players in climate discussions and ask WHO to involve civil society players in decision making. 

Together with partners, the GCHA is supporting the process towards the negotiation and adoption of a resolution on climate change and health at WHA77 this year. An ambitious concept note outlining key elements of a possible resolution has been developed.

Side events at WHA77 on climate change, environment, and health

Below is a table of events that are hosted by or involve GCHA members, and/or that are related to climate change and health.


Time and location

Further information

Walk the Talk

Sun 26 May, 09:30-12:30, Palais des Nations

3km and 4.2km walk around Geneva hosted by WHO. See more details here.

Innovate, Invest, Empower & Protect: Shaping the Future of Health Workforce

Mon 27 May, 08:00-12:00, Warwick Hotel

Organized by Frontline Health Workers Coalition, CARE USA, Johnson & Johnson, Living Goods, Pathfinder International, Project HOPE, SEED Global Health, Smile Train

Reserve a spot here.

WHA Event on the Climate Change and Health Resolution

Mon 27 May, 12:00-14:30, Jardin des Penthes

Event by invitation only. Organized by The Netherlands and Peru.

Towards net-zero health systems – Decarbonisation of clinical trials and patient care pathways

Tue 28 May, 12:00-13:15, Hotel Royal

Organised by Sustainable Markets Initiative Health Systems Task Force.

Equitable access to medical innovation for neglected and climate-sensitive infectious diseases: the role of collaborative research platforms

Tue 28 May, 14:00-15:30, Graduate Institute

Hosted by DNDi as part of Geneva Health Forum. Register here.

Climate and Health Finance Dialogue and Reception

Tue 28 May, 17:30-19:00, Global Health Campus

Hosted by Green Climate Fund, The Global Fund, The Rockefeller Foundation and WHO, with co-hosts Amref Health Africa and  Foundation S – The Sanofi Collective.

Please note attendance at this event is by invitation only, but will be livestreamed here.

Return on Investment: Financing Climate and Pandemic-Resilient Health Systems

Wed 29 May, 07:30-09:00, Hotel Royal Geneve

Organised by Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF), Pandemic Action Network (PAN), and Resilience Action Network Africa (RANA).

RSVP here.

Health in the climate crisis: from global policy to integrated action

Wed 29 May, 07:30-09:00, Warwick Hotel

Hosted by Save the Children, in partnership with GCHA, Germany, Peru and World Vision. RSVP here.

Health Funders for Climate Adaption

Wed 29 May, 09:00-13:00, WHO Foundation

Organised by OECD Network of Foundations Working for Development (netFWD) Health and Climate Working Group, Co-Chaired by WHO Foundation and Foundation S

Climate Crisis as Health Crisis: Resilience and Security in a Warming World

Thurs 30 May, 08:30-12:00, Graduate Institute

Organised by Foreign Policy Forum and Seed Global Health

Commitment to Action: Centering Health in Climate Action Plans

Thurs 30 May, 14:00-16:00, Warwick Hotel

Organised by Rwanda’s Ministry of Health, and Living Goods, Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, Partners in Health, Pathfinder, University of Minnesota, University of Global Health Equity, Yale University, and Devex.

RSVP here.

Healthy & Resilient Cities Worldwide: Clearing the social and financial hurdles to integrate and scale sustainable urban innovations

Thurs 30 May, 14:30-16:00, Intercontinental Hotel

Organised by Forecasting Healthy Futures.

I-CAN Strategic Roundtable

Thurs 30 May, 17:45-19:00, SUN office in the Palais

Organised by I-CAN (Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition), Ireland.

By invitation only.

Unlocking Solutions Together – Accelerating Climate and Health Resilience through Public – Private – Philanthropy partnerships

Thurs 30 May, 18:00-21:00, IFRC HQ

Organised by Prudence Foundation, IFRC, Save The Children, Climate Resilience for All.

RSVP here.

WHA Strategic Roundtable on climate change and health

Sat 01 June, 13:00-14:15, Palais des Nations

Hosted by WHO.

WHA accreditation required. Live streaming and more details here.

This list will be updated as more events and details are confirmed.