The Climate and Us
A new series of short films on the connections between climate and health for the GCHA produced by BBC StoryWorks. Come and explore….
Climate change, environment, and health at WHA77
Find out more about this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) which will take place November 11 to November 22 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and what it means for the climate and health movement here.
GCHA’s Pilot Global Engagement Certificate in Climate and Health
Register now for the pilot certificate series course
This pilot certificate series course is tailored for GCHA members and the global health community who are keen on amplifying their organization’s voice on climate and health issues. Register here
The Health Community at COP28 – Where Do We Go to From Here?
Following December’s UN climate negotiations in Dubai, Global Climate and Health Alliance Executive Director Dr Jeni Miller reflects on the climate summit’s outcomes, and the action needed next to protect people’s health from the climate crisis.
Associated Press: Study projects millions of European heat deaths as world warms
Global Climate and Health Alliance quoted: “Extreme temperatures — mostly heat — are projected to kill as many as 2.3 million people in Europe by the end of the century unless countries get better at reducing carbon pollution and adapting to hotter conditions, a new study says.”
Report: As Deadline Looms, Countries Must Seize Opportunity to Plug Health Gaps in National Climate Commitments
New research published today by the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) demonstrates that while governments are giving greater priority to health when setting national climate policies, they have yet to close crucial gaps on whole-of-economy emissions reductions, health metrics, financial commitments, and transparency.
Priorities for a Healthy COP28
Health organisations from around the world set out their key priorities for COP28 that would ensure that climate action protects and restores human health and wellbeing.
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The Global Climate and Health Alliance was formed in 2011. Alliance members are health organizations from around the world, united by a shared vision of a sustainable future.
The Alliance works to tackle climate change and to protect and promote public health. Read more