Overview of the World Café
For speaker bios and a description of each World Café topic check out this
World Cafe Overview
World Café Purpose, Method & Intended Outcomes
In cities and regions around the world, significant action is underway addressing climate change and health. To meet current targets under the Paris Agreement, and to drive the increased ambition in emissions reductions required to contain warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade, such action must be replicated and vastly scaled up. Scaling up mitigation, in turn, holds promise for significantly scaled up co-benefits to health. The World Cafe will serve as a best practice sharing exercise to share health sector measures and activities, resources, encourage intellectual exchange and galvanize implementation.
Each World Cafe topic will have 20-30 participants. Co-leads for each topic will be leaders in that topic area with experience/expertise to share, identified and prepared in advance to lead the session.
Participants will go to two table sessions of 30 minutes. Each table session will involve a 5 minutes presentation from the co-leader, followed by a structured, progressive facilitative dialogue on specific thematic, issues, to be formulated with the topic experts. A rapporteur will capture: resources, actions, recommended practices, lessons, key organizations. We will also provide a one page handout/questionnaire with each World café session encouraging participants to write any other resources, tools, success stories or groups that could be engaged on the work on this topic.
At the break, participants will select a second World Cafe topic to join, and will again engage in two table sessions, as above.
Topics for the World Cafe will be selected based on a) alignment with the conference theme and goals; b) whether there are concrete tools, actions, and resources to share from several different health groups, institutional orgs, and/or regions; and c) whether there are suitable co-leaders/co-facilitators for the topic.
Reports from the World Cafe (activities and ideas discussed, tools and resources shared, and key partners and organizations identified) will be developed in a Summit Proceedings report published and disseminated after the event and will be made available via the GCHA website. Social media communications after the event using photo and video captured will support follow-on engagement with the action-focused goals of the conference, the exchange of ideas globally, and energy for implementation.
For more about the World Cafe method, please see: http://www.theworldcafe.com/. For peer reviewed articles on use of the World Cafe method with clinical experts, nurse managers, and in medical professional education, see e.g.:
- Teut M, Bloedt S, Baur R, Betsch F, Elies M, Witt C, et al. Dementia: treating patients and caregivers with complementary and alternative medicine–results of a clinical expert conference using the World Café method. Forschende Komplementarmedizin (2006) [serial on the Internet]. (2013), [cited October 6, 2017]; 20(4): 276-280. Available from: MEDLINE with Full Text.
- O’Connor M, Cotrel-Gibbons L. World Café: a proactive approach to working with mentors. Nursing Management (Harrow, London, England: 1994) [serial on the Internet]. (2017, Apr 27), [cited October 6, 2017]; 24(2): 26-29. Available from: MEDLINE with Full Text.
- Dawkins V, Solomon A. Introducing the World Café to Doctor of Nursing Practice Students. The Journal Of Nursing Education [serial on the Internet]. (2017, Oct 1), [cited October 6, 2017]; 56(10): 638-639. Available from: MEDLINE with Full Text.