Unfortunately, we will not be holding our usual Climate and Health Summit this year alongside COP22 in Marrakech (though we are planning to host one at COP23 next year).  We will of course be attending the conference as usual and will aim to fulfil a convening role for interested health groups and individuals attending the conference, providing regular online updates and a platform for communication amongst members of the health community who are engaging with the COP process.

If you’re a healthcare or public health professional and will be attending COP 22, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  We have also compiled a list of health-relevant events taking place during the conference (below) which we hope will help you to make the most of your time at COP.



Health events at COP22:


Climate Change, Human Migration and Health

9 November, 13:00-14:30, Blue Zone

This conference will bring together scientists and experts to share, better understand, and propose through a transdisciplinary approach some tangible solution to enhance the health context of climate migrants. It will discuss possible indicators of migration, health and climate change, to be included in the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change.

Organizers: USPC (Centre Virchow-Villermé for Public Health Paris-Berlin, Politiques de la terre), Charité – Universitätsmedizine Berlin, Université de Genève, Académie des Sciences Hassan II Sciences (tbc), Université Internationale de Rabat, Université de Liège (Observatoire Hugo), the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change


Health Actions for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement

11 November, 15:00-18:00, Blue Zone

The event will provide COP participants with an overview of many of the actions being taken by the health community to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, for a healthier and more sustainable society, and plans to scale up ambition and action. It will hear from academic experts and collaborations, civil society organizations, and national and local governments.

Organizers: French Ambassador for Climate Change, Minister Delegate in charge of the Environment to the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and the Environment of Morocco


Gender roles in the promotion of sustainable and healthy production and consumption patterns and lifestyles

November 12, 11:00-13:30, Université Cadi Ayyad

A part of the Global Gender Climate Alliance Innovation Forum, this skills sharing session aims to provide a forum to: explore the gender roles in promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns and life-styles with focus on family planning, clean energy, transport, and sustainable food systems and healthy diets; discuss successful strategies (e.g. showcase regional/national/community initiatives); and make recommendations on what UN, governments, academia and social movements can do to enhance gender roles to contribute to the transition towards healthy and sustainable production and consumption patterns and life-styles. Registration required: http://forum.gender-climate.org/sessions/gender-roles-in-the-promotion-of-sustainable-and-healthy-production-and-consumption-patterns-and-lifestyles/.

Organizers: Global Gender and Climate Alliance


Air Pollution, Climate Change & Health: Scaling up Solutions to Heal the Planet

14 November, 16:00-18:30

Organizers: Climate and Clean Air Coalition and World Health Organization


Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change

14 November, 10:00-10:30, Blue Zone

On November 14th, 10:00-10:30am, the Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change will host a press conference to mark the official launch of this landmark international, multi-disciplinary research collaboration. Attending will be Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), alongside multiple representatives from the Lancet Countdown. The event will be held in press conference room 2 (blue zone of UNFCCC) and early attendance is recommended.

Organizers: Lancet, UNFCCC


Climate and Health Care Conference – COP22

14 November, 8:00-17:20, The Mohammed VI University Hospital of Marrakech

This one-day conference brings together health sector representatives and experts from around the world to discuss the integral role of health care in this global effort. Speakers, including representatives from the government, private, and public sector of host country, Morocco, will present strategies and success stories on how health care can mitigate its climate impacts, develop low carbon models of care, and prepare to stand resilient in the face of a changing climate. Registration required: http://www.greenhospitals.net/climate-conference/

Organizers: Health Care Without Harm,The Mohammed VI University Hospital of Marrakech


Ministerial Meeting on Health, Environment and Climate Change

November 15, 14:30-16:30, Blue Zone (Moroccan Pavilion)

The major environment and development agreements, from the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, to the 2030 Sustainable Development agenda, and the UN Environmental Assembly, all include clear connections to health. Health gains are among the most socially and economically valuable benefits of environmental protection, and therefore the strongest motivating forces for public support and political action. What is needed now is to better mobilize the combined strength of the health and the environment communities to promote mutually beneficial actions. Notably, the same measures that are necessary to promote low carbon, climate resilient development, for example through more sustainable transport systems, cleaner energy sources, and better management of environmental risks, would bring very large gains in public health, including reducing the 7 million annual deaths from air pollution.

This meeting will bring together Ministers of Environment gathered at COP 22 with selected Ministers of Health, to join forces to promote healthier environments for healthier people. The expected outcomes include a Marrakech declaration on Climate and Environmental Health, based on the “Conclusions and Action agenda of 2nd Global Conference on Health and Climate”; launch of Ministerial level coalition and associated platform on Health, Environment and Climate Change; and an agreed proposal for decision on climate, environment and health within COP22 outcome.

Organizers: WHO


UN System Side Event on SDG 3: Good health and wellbeing

15 November, 18:30-20:00, Blue Zone

This side event will provide COP participants with an update on the action agenda that resulted from the Second Global Conference on Health and Climate which was held in Paris from 7-8 July 2016, and provide an overview on how the public health community could support the implementation of the Paris Agreement for a healthier and more sustainable society.

The session will focus on the question of “How can we ensure sustained country progress in health and climate change, that supports national policy, and is measured through international tracking processes under the UNFCCC and the SDGs?” It will take SDG3 as the central reference, but also illustrate how progress on SDG13 on Climate change, and the integration of climate considerations into other SDGs including (1) Poverty, (2) Malnutrition, (6) Clean water and sanitation, (7) energy, and (11) Sustainable cities and communities, are also essential to protecting health.

Organizers: WHO, Morocco, WMO, UNECE, ECLAC, UN-Habitat, OHCHR; UNICEF