The Lancet: Health and climate: the road of opportunity

The Lancet: Health and climate: the road of opportunity

Six months after the international climate agreement was reached in Paris at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the World Health Organization returned to the French capital on July 7–8 to host the second Global...
Unmask My City: Healthy Air, Healthy Climate

Unmask My City: Healthy Air, Healthy Climate

Today we launch a new initiative, Unmask My City, to address the intertwined threats to our health and our climate from air pollution. Through Unmask My City, health professionals and organizations from Istanbul, to London, to Chennai, to São Paulo are raising...
Joint GCHA-NCD Alliance report published

Joint GCHA-NCD Alliance report published

Joint GCHA-NCD Alliance Policy Brief published We have just published a policy brief jointly with the NCD Alliance entitled ‘NCDs and Climate Change: Shared Opportunities for Action’ – click on the image or here to download the English version and...