

GCHA and our partners produce a wide range of multilingual resources related to the climate crisis and health. Find and search these below.

GCHA Board Representative, Joseph Vipond from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment during the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 on December 3, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (COP28 / Walaa Alshaer)

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Key wider resources

Lancet Countdown global report 2024

This report tracks the relationship between health and climate change across five key domains and 56 indicators.

Climate x Health narrative

This narrative was developed with GCHA input to accelerate joint action on climate and health, shaped with insights and input from 50+ organizations.

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report- chapter on health

Chapter 7 of the report, ‘Health, Wellbeing and the Changing Structure of Communities’, examines the impacts and projected future risks of climate change for health, well-being, migration and conflict.

HCN Briefing: A Just Energy Transition for a healthy fossil fuel free world (Healthy Climate Network)

This briefing reviews health benefits available through an effective just energy transition and presents key principles and policy recommendations needed to deliver a clean energy future for thriving healthy societies.

The climate-changed child (UNICEF)

This report builds on 2021’s Children’s Climate Risk Index and examines water scarcity and water vulnerability along with the critical actions the international community must take to protect children against climate change.