Feb 23, 2024
Following December’s UN climate negotiations in Dubai, Global Climate and Health Alliance Executive Director Dr Jeni Miller reflects on the climate summit’s outcomes, and the action needed next to protect people’s health from the climate crisis. Last...
May 3, 2023
This year, 2023, is a major year for climate and health. The health movement on climate change has grown dramatically over the past few years, as the health impacts of the climate crisis make themselves increasingly and dramatically felt in every corner of the globe;...
Jul 4, 2022
Human health is closely interconnected to animal and planetary health, our lifestyles are largely determined by the environment that surrounds us, in the same way that human habits impact the health and balance of the entire ecosystem. The latest Covid-19 pandemic...
Oct 28, 2021
The Regional Consultations are a series of online activities in the six WHO regions, which involved health professionals who are working to address causes and impacts of climate change. In this blog, GCHA’s Network and Engagement Lead Jennifer Kuhl highlights the...
Sep 20, 2021
After 16 years under the leadership of chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany is set to vote for a new government on 26 September. Current polls predict a shift in majorities, most notably with a rise of the Green and Socialdemocratic Party. But regardless of what the...