Organisations: Become a member

Become a GCHA member organisation today and join us in our important work to protect the climate and our health.

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We are a network of 200+ health and development organisations spanning every continent and 125+ countries. Become a GCHA member today and join us in our mission to protect health whilst restoring the planet.

The Global Climate and Health Alliance works at the forefront of a growing global movement of health professionals, health workers, and health organisations dedicated to promoting a healthy, equitable, and sustainable future for all. We address the climate crisis through evidence-based advocacy, policy engagement, movement building, research and strategic communications.

With 200+ organisational members from every region and reaching over 125 countries, the Alliance co-chairs the WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate & Health and collaborates with organisations and agencies around the world to ensure that people’s health is protected in the climate change era, in national, regional, and international decision-making. We are committed to tackling the climate crisis to preserve a healthy home for humanity.

The Alliance is governed by a Board of Directors which is responsible for setting its strategic direction, determining its governance, and informing its annual programme of work, in consultation with member organisations. GCHA’s work is led by a secretariat, together with the participation and support of member organisations, according to their capacity.

To become a member of GCHA, Organisations must:

  • Have a strong focus on health.
  • Have been established for at least 12 months prior to submitting their application.
  • Demonstrate evidence of ongoing activity via a website, social media pages, in person engagements, active programs of work, etc.
  • Confirm that they do not collaborate with or take money from fossil fuel companies, tobacco companies or arms and weapons companies.
  • Declare support for the principles underpinning the work of the Alliance, articulated in the Alliance’s Doha Declaration on Climate, Health and Well-Being.

As a health civil society alliance, in general, we do not accept membership applications from:

  • For profit companies
  • Government agencies or government-based organisations
  • Funder or donor organisations
  • Climate, environmental or conservation organisations (exceptions might be made if such an organisation has health as an obvious central focus that constitutes a substantial portion of the organisations’ work)
  • Individuals*

    *Note: Individuals may become affiliated with GCHA in two ways. Health professionals and health workers of all kinds can sign up to be a Climate and Health Champion with GCHA. Youth 18-35 interested in or actively working on climate and health may apply to join the Youth Climate and Health Network.

    While such entities and organisations are typically not eligible to become members, the Alliance does regularly engage and/or collaborate with many types of organisations to advance the overall mission. If your organisation is not eligible for membership, but would like to connect with the Alliance in other ways to advance work on climate and health, please email us.

If you experience any issues accessing the form linked above, please email us at [email protected]

Membership applications are processed on a quarterly basis by members of the GCHA board and secretariat. Thank you for your patience in the interim.

Why become a member organisation?

Together we are stronger and GCHA membership allows your organisation to be part of a global network of motivated organisations working hard to protect our health and our planet. Member organisations can proudly use the GCHA logo across their channels and in published materials that are in line with GCHA principles, and are able to access and work with our huge network of members and partners worldwide. We also offer several opportunities and activities to promote the work of your organisation across our channels.

What is required of GCHA member organisations?

Once accepted, as members of the Alliance, organisations are:

  • Invited to participate in regular membership meetings and Alliance activities
  • Encouraged to share your climate and health projects and events with other members of the Alliance and the broader community via the GCHA Newsletter, list-servs and events.
  • Required to nominate a liaison to serve as point person for communications with the Alliance secretariat, and provide a backup contact.
  • Required to send their organisation’s logo by email for inclusion on the Alliance website’s list of members and on published materials which list the organisational members of the Alliance.
  • Able to use the Global Climate and Health Alliance’s logo on their website to indicate membership in the Alliance, and on published materials that are in line with the Alliance’s principles as stated in the Doha declaration
  • Encouraged to propose ideas to the secretariat such as for events, campaigns or new resources; to make use of resources produced by the Alliance; to share Alliance resources with their members; and to join activities organized by the Alliance.