Health Organisations React to “Hottest Week Ever”

Health Organisations React to “Hottest Week Ever”

“There is no time to lose – the realisation that such unprecedented global heating is threatening the lives and livelihoods of people around the world should jerk governments out of their business-as-usual reveries – and the only sane way to respond to this climate crisis is by tackling the root cause – phasing out fossil fuels, and delivering a just transition to renewable energy for all.” 

Healthy NDC Scorecard: As ‘Health COP’ Approaches, Analysis Shows Big Emitting Nations Doing Too Little to Protect Health from Climate Change

Healthy NDC Scorecard: As ‘Health COP’ Approaches, Analysis Shows Big Emitting Nations Doing Too Little to Protect Health from Climate Change

Low- and middle income countries lead the way when it comes to inclusion of health goals in their climate commitments, while more wealthy, industrialised nations – responsible for the majority of historical global greenhouse gas emissions – lack long term vision, according to analysis published today by the Global Climate and Health Alliance.

IPCC Synthesis Report Reaction: Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Imperative to Human Health

IPCC Synthesis Report Reaction: Fossil Fuel Phase-Out Imperative to Human Health

In response to today’s publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Synthesis Report (SYR), a global coalition of health professionals is calling on governments to fund loss and damage response, invest in and strengthen adaptation, and to slash greenhouse gas emissions by phasing out the use of fossil fuels.

COP27: Health Organizations Issue Stern Demand for Loss and Damage Fund

COP27: Health Organizations Issue Stern Demand for Loss and Damage Fund

“A two-year delay to assess whether or not to create a dedicated Loss and Damage fund would be utterly unacceptable, given the urgency of the climate crisis, and the delays that lower income countries have already had to endure in receiving funds to combat climate impacts”.

COP27 Oil & Gas Proposal Earns Sharp Rebuke from Global Health Community

COP27 Oil & Gas Proposal Earns Sharp Rebuke from Global Health Community

As the COP27 Climate Summit’s ‘Decarbonisation Day’ closes in Egypt, the Global Climate and Health Alliance denounced the fossil fuel industry’s push for greater oil and gas development, and reiterated the worldwide health community’s demand for a rapid and just phase out of all fossil fuels.

Lancet Countdown 2022: Fossil Fuels Incompatible with Healthy Future

Lancet Countdown 2022: Fossil Fuels Incompatible with Healthy Future

“This year’s Lancet Countdown makes clear that fossil fuels are incompatible with a healthy future. To prevent catastrophic global warming and the ensuing devastation that will be wreaked upon people around the world, governments must commit to fully phasing out fossil fuels at COP27, while high income countries must provide developing countries with the necessary financial and technical support for providing equitable access to the clean energy their people need.”