Global health community calls for climate action ahead of COP26 to avert “biggest health threat facing humanity”

Global health community calls for climate action ahead of COP26 to avert “biggest health threat facing humanity”

Just three weeks ahead of the UN climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK more than 400 organizations representing at least 45 million nurses, doctors and health professionals worldwide – about three quarters of the global health workforce – have signed an open letter to the 197 government leaders and national delegations ahead of COP26, warning that the climate crisis is the single biggest health threat facing humanity, and calling on world leaders to deliver on climate action.

Health & Climate Change: Ahead of COP26, Latest Healthy NDC Scorecard Shows Low & Middle Income Countries Leading Action

Health & Climate Change: Ahead of COP26, Latest Healthy NDC Scorecard Shows Low & Middle Income Countries Leading Action

The “Healthy NDCs Scorecard”, which ranks progress of countries towards the inclusion of health within national climate commitments (Nationally Determined Contributions – NDCs) ahead of November’s COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, ranked three middle income countries, Cambodia, Moldova and Cabo Verde as joint leaders for their consideration of health across five categories.

IPCC Climate Report: National Leaders Must Act on Climate Crisis to Ensure Human Health and Safety

IPCC Climate Report: National Leaders Must Act on Climate Crisis to Ensure Human Health and Safety

“The IPCC Climate Report not only makes clear the scale of the health emergency created by climate warming – the greatest health crisis humanity has ever faced – it tells us that every government, every business and every institution must take immediate action to rapidly and deeply cut greenhouse gas emissions, achieve major reductions throughout this decade, and net zero emissions by 2050 if we are to ensure human health and safety on this planet”.

Healthy NDCs: Scorecard Exposes Health Gaps in National Climate Policies Ahead of COP26

Healthy NDCs: Scorecard Exposes Health Gaps in National Climate Policies Ahead of COP26

Despite spending over a year dealing with the pandemic, along with heatwaves, forest fires and other climate impacts, governments are not yet doing enough to prioritise health in the face of a warming climate or to incorporate health into their climate commitments, according to the Healthy NDC Scorecard released today by the Global Climate and Health Alliance.

Report: Bengaluru Schoolchildren Breathing Polluted Air

Report: Bengaluru Schoolchildren Breathing Polluted Air

Up to two million schoolchildren (20 lakhs) in Bengaluru, India are potentially exposed to dangerous air pollution during their school day, risking asthma, allergic rhinitis and other chronic health impacts, according to a report released today by Healthy Air Coalition, Bengaluru.

World Health Day: Governments Must Put Health At Centre of Climate Action Say Health Professionals

World Health Day: Governments Must Put Health At Centre of Climate Action Say Health Professionals

Governments worldwide must mark today, World Health Day, by seizing the opportunity to make health the keystone of their national climate action commitments ahead of November’s COP26 climate summit, said an international consortium of health professional and health civil society organizations. The theme of this year’s World Health Day is “building a fairer, healthier world for everyone”

Health Professionals Urged to Rise to the “Fierce Urgency” of the Climate Crisis

Health Professionals Urged to Rise to the “Fierce Urgency” of the Climate Crisis

“Health professionals must join the growing global community of science-based advocates working to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement”, according to a call to action published today by members of the Board of Directors of the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) in The Journal of Climate Change and Health. manifesto, titled “Health professionals, the Paris agreement, and the fierce urgency of now”.

Lancet Countdown: Governments Must Launch 5-Fold Acceleration of Climate Commitments, Link Climate and Covid Response

Lancet Countdown: Governments Must Launch 5-Fold Acceleration of Climate Commitments, Link Climate and Covid Response

“World leaders must draw motivation from this year’s Lancet Countdown report to drive ambitious and meaningful action that will immediately increase the pace of carbon emission reductions”, said Jeni Miller, Executive Director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance. “With the world already having warmed 1.2 degrees Celsius, impacts on human health are beginning to snowball”.

NHS England Net Zero Carbon Emissions Commitment Sets Example for Health Services Around the World

NHS England Net Zero Carbon Emissions Commitment Sets Example for Health Services Around the World

“NHS England’s promise to eliminate its net greenhouse gas emissions by 2040 sets an extraordinary example for the health sector around the world of the kind of climate action we need. This decision by NHS England aligns with robust scientific evidence on just how serious a threat climate change represents for human health, and puts England’s health service on a path that supports a more resilient, sustainable, and a healthier future. Though we are still grappling with a devastating pandemic, health leaders have a responsibility to manage the other health threats on the horizon. The NHS commitment clearly recognizes this, and must serve as inspiration for health services worldwide to do the same”.