From talks and information sessions, to our engagement at major international conferences, GCHA organises several events throughout the year. See our upcoming and past events below.
WHO Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health
The GCHA will be participating in the Global conference on air pollution and health co-organised by WHO and the Government of Colombia. The conference focuses on accelerating action for clean air, clean energy access and climate mitigation, will highlight policy solutions for air pollution and lack of energy access, and catalyse evidence-based, multi-sectoral actions in cities, countries and regions. Participants include Ministers of Health, Ministers of Environment and Energy, and officials of national, intergovernmental and development agencies; health professionals; and civil society.
Segunda Conferencia Mundial de la OMS sobre Contaminación del Aire y Salud
25 – 27 de marzo de 2025: Cartagena, Colombia
La GCHA participará en la conferencia mundial sobre contaminación del aire y salud coorganizada por la OMS y el Gobierno de Colombia. El objetivo de la conferencia se centra en acelerar las acciones para el aire limpio, el acceso a energía limpia y la mitigación del clima, destacará soluciones políticas para la contaminación del aire y la falta de acceso a la energía y catalizará acciones multisectoriales basadas en evidencia en ciudades, países y regiones. Entre los participantes se incluyen Ministros de Salud, respectivos Ministros de Medio Ambiente, Energía y funcionarios de organismos nacionales, intergubernamentales y de desarrollo; profesionales de la salud; y la sociedad civil.
Para aquellos que asistan a la conferencia, consulte GCHA y los eventos de sus socios.
Past events

Advancing and integrating climate change and health policies: Insights from seven regions
Promoción e integración de políticas de salud y cambio climático: perspectivas de siete regiones
19 de marzo de 2025: 10.00 – 11.30 hora del este
Únase a nosotros para una sesión informativa de 90 minutos sobre las últimas investigaciones de más de 30 expertos en seis regiones, explorando cómo se cruzan las políticas climáticas y de salud, organizada por GCHA y la Universidad George Mason. A partir de más de 225 entrevistas con partes interesadas, descubriremos barreras clave y estrategias viables para impulsar políticas ambiciosas e integradas.
Strategizing for Stronger Climate and Health Action: GCHA General Membership Assembly
This event will brought together our members, board, and the GCHA staff to discuss strategic priorities on climate and health action, reflect on our collective achievements, and to strengthen connections with one-another for driving a collective impact. Please note that this event was only open to GCHA members.
Estrategias para una acción más contundente en materia de clima y salud: Asamblea General de Miembros de la GCHA
Este evento reunirá a nuestros miembros, a la junta directiva y al personal de la GCHA para debatir las prioridades estratégicas en materia de acción climática y sanitaria, reflexionar sobre nuestros logros colectivos y fortalecer las conexiones entre nosotros para impulsar un impacto colectivo. Durante el evento habrá interpretación disponible en español y francés. Tenga en cuenta que este evento está abierto únicamente a los miembros de la GCHA.
Healthy NDC 3.0: Briefing on GCHA’s Rapid Analysis of Updated National Climate Plans
During this briefing, the GCHA presented analysis of NDCs 3.0, with a view to pointing the way for countries still developing their NDCs to integrate health and ensure their populations and economies benefit. They outlined resources available to help countries to reap health benefits and protect their populations through their updated climate commitments, including the latest from the WHO and the UNDP about the support they are offering.
Watch the event
Read the press release
NDC 3.0 saludable: Informe sobre el análisis rápido de los planes climáticos nacionales actualizados de la GCHA
10 de febrero de 2025 a las 15:30-16.30 GMT
Durante esta sesión informativa, la Alianza Global para el Clima y la Salud (GCHA) presentó un análisis de las NDC 3.0, con miras a señalar el camino para que los países que aún están desarrollando sus NDC integren la salud y garanticen que sus poblaciones y economías se beneficien. Describieron los recursos disponibles para ayudar a los países a obtener beneficios para la salud y proteger a sus poblaciones a través de sus compromisos climáticos actualizados, incluidas las últimas novedades de la OMS y el PNUD sobre el apoyo que están ofreciendo.
COP29 and Health: What happened? What did It mean? Where do we go from here?
COP29 y Salud: ¿Qué pasó? ¿Qué significó? ¿Adónde vamos desde aquí?
Únase a GCHA y a nuestros oradores invitados para profundizar en los resultados de la COP29, incluidos los resultados de políticas en diferentes corrientes de negociación y sus implicaciones para la salud. Regístrate aquí.
Advocating for Climate and Health Action: The Essential Role of Evidence-Based Policy Making
Abogacía por la acción en clima y salud: el papel esencial de la formulación de políticas basadas en evidencia
GCHA y The Lancet Countdown se complacen en invitarle a esta sesión donde exploraremos la importancia de basar las iniciativas climáticas y de salud en evidencia científica sólida para impulsar decisiones políticas efectivas.
The Latest Evidence on Climate and Health: Global and Regional Findings of the Lancet Countdown
La evidencia más reciente sobre clima y salud: hallazgos globales y regionales de The Lancet Countdown
GCHA y The Lancet Countdown, se complacen en ofrecer esta sesión informativa para presentar las últimas investigaciones científicas sobre los intrincados vínculos entre el cambio climático y la salud.
Government Engagement for Climate and Health – Preparing for effective meetings and advocacy
Compromiso gubernamental en clima y salud – Preparación para reuniones y abogacía eficaz
Esta sesión cubrirá fuentes útiles para la investigación del contexto nacional y las posiciones políticas de un gobierno con el que planea conversar sobre cuestiones climáticas y de salud, y cómo adaptar sus mensajes a la persona con la que se reunirá.
Amicus for Human Rights – a Meeting for Global Justice in the Climate Crisis
Amicus por los derechos humanos – un encuentro por la justicia global en la crisis climática
Únase a nosotros en un diálogo crucial sobre el papel de los amicus curiae en la intersección entre los derechos humanos y el cambio climático, en el marco del proceso de la opinión consultiva de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos por la Emergencia Climática. A través de presentaciones de expertos y líderes en justicia ambiental y derechos humanos, exploraremos casos concretos con las perspectivas comunitarias, de salud y de la juventud, cruciales en la en la defensa de los derechos fundamentales y la configuración de nuestro futuro.
Occupational Health in the Climate Crisis
Salud laboral en la crisis climática
Para conmemorar el Día Internacional del Trabajo, únete a profesionales de la salud, ocupacionales y ambientales de toda Latinoamérica y el Caribe para explorar los desafíos y oportunidades que el cambio climático presenta para la salud ocupacional: desde los impactos del calor en poblaciones rurales hasta la salud mental de trabajadores de la salud y la seguridad de brigadistas en incendios forestales. Este evento en línea es una iniciativa conjunta de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Salud Ambiental (SIBSA) y GCHA.

Elevating Your Climate Voice: A Guide to UNFCCC Observer Status and Constituencies
April 24, 2024 @13:00 EST
This webinar will explore the significance of UNFCCC constituencies, with insights from organizations actively involved in these groups. We will then delve into the application process for obtaining observer status within the UNFCCC, featuring recent applicants who will share their motivations, challenges, and tips based on their firsthand experiences.
Elevando su voz climática: Una Guía al Estatus de Observador y los Grupos constituyentes de la CMNUCCC
Exploraremos la importancia de los grupos constituyentes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), con ideas de organizaciones involucradas activamente en estos grupos. Luego profundizaremos en el proceso de solicitud para obtener el estatus de observador dentro de la CMNUCC, con solicitantes recientes que compartirán sus motivaciones, desafíos y consejos basados en sus experiencias de primera mano. Este seminario web es imprescindible para las organizaciones que buscan profundizar su compromiso con el proceso de la CMNUCC, ofreciendo consejos prácticos y oportunidades de establecer contactos para ayudar a navegar estos importantes caminos.
Webinar – COP28: Policy Outcomes for Health
January 31, 2024
Join us for a deep dive into the policy outcomes of COP28 across different negotiation streams, and their implications for health.
Methane Briefings: Energy, Food, and Waste
Following the launch of GCHA’s Methane report series, these 30 minute briefings take a closer look at what methane reduction means in each of the key methane-emitting sectors. Learn more about the need to rapidly drive down emissions of this powerful, short-lived climate pollutant, and about the health benefits of methane reduction across three key sectors:
- Energy, Methane & Health – RECORDING AVAILABLE
- Food, Methane & Health – RECORDING AVAILABLE
- Waste, Methane & Health – RECORDING AVAILABLE

Health & COP28 Orientation Sessions
October 2023
These sessions are an opportunity to learn about the major international climate conferences that happen each year, how you can get involved, and why COP28 in Dubai will be unique for those working at the intersection of climate change and health.
Health Hub @ the NYC March to End Fossil Fuels
September 17, 2023
In advance of the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit, tens of thousands of people will gather outside the United Nations in NYC to demand an end to the era of fossil fuels. Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania and GCHA are organizing a group of healthcare professionals to participate in the march. If you can easily get to New York, it would be great to have you join us!
Mitigating Methane: A Global Health Strategy
Methane is a major contributor to planetary warming, but the health consequences of global methane emissions and the co-benefits of mitgating these emissions in the energy, food and waste sectors have been under explored. GCHA will be releasing a major methane report in the next weeks and will also be hosting two workshop to discuss an international health and methane strategy.The programming will be the same for both workshops and it will be an important opportunity to contribute, learn and collaborate.
Consultation: WHO Climate Communications Toolkit
Youth Climate & Health Network Launch
Youth Climate & Health Network Launch

Webinar | Health and the treaty to stop fossil fuels
July 12th @ 7:00 UTC / 14:00 UTC – To protect the health and lives of present and future generations we need a rapid, equitable phase-out of fossil fuels globally, so as not to exceed 1.5ºC of warming advised by global scientific consensus.

Healthy air, healthy planet, healthy people: securing a fossil-free future for all
31st May, 16:00-17:15 CEST – On 2 and 3 June 2022, governments will meet in Stockholm, Sweden, under the theme “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity”

Climate change, a health emergency: What the IPCC says about health, and why it is important for COP27
Monday 30th May @ 14:00-15.30 CET – This webinar will unpack the IPCC AR6 reports and the implications of climate action for human health, and the responses needed at COP27 to ensure the benefits of healthy climate action are maximised.

Webinar | Healthy NDCs (national climate commitments) in 2022
May 26 @ 16:00 Geneva – Hear from health advocates who succeeded in influencing their national climate plans in 2021 and learn more about upcoming plans and opportunities.

“Código Rojo para la respuesta en salud en América Latina y el Caribe: mejorando la salud de las personas a través de la acción climática”

Healthy Climate Prescription: What’s Next?
12 April 2022 14:00-16:00 GMT – Virtual convening for letter signatories Last year, organizations representing 46 million health professionals and health workers signed the Healthy Climate Prescription letter along with thousands of individual health professionals and workers. Now we’re re-engaging.

#CareforClimate webinar series: policy and advocacy skills in the lead up to COP26
COP26 is a crucial moment for both people and planet. Inclusion of health considerations in climate policymaking protects populations, offers economic benefits, and build public support for ambitious climate action. In the months leading up to COP26, GCHA is hosting a…

Webinar: Healthy National Climate Commitments
#Healthy NDC webinar UPDATED: Thursday 8 July 10:00-11:15 EDT / 16:00-17:15 CEST The webinar will include presentations which: Explore what healthy national climate commitments look like in practice Quantify health co-benefits yielded by mitigation policies in the…

Regional Consultations on Climate and Health
In April and May of 2021, the WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health, co-chaired by WHO and GCHA, together with the WHO Regional Offices, and other health partners, will host a series of six Regional Consultations, one in each of the WHO regions. The…

Race To Zero Climate & Health Dialogue – for a healthy, resilient, and zero-carbon Recovery
The Race to Zero Climate & Health Dialogue will bring local and global actors together to place health and equity at the center of ambitious climate action. Through a series of virtual events, hosted in rotation by regional partners throughout a 24-hour period, the dialogue will envision how a healthy, equitable recovery from COVID-19 can drive rapid decarbonization of the world economy.

Webinar: Ahead of G20 Finance Meeting, Health Community Calls for Healthy, Sustainable, Inclusive Public Investments
Ahead of this month’s G20 Finance Ministers meeting (July 18-19), WHO representatives, an economist with COVID19 recovery expertise and representatives from leading medical and health organizations from around the world will gather for a webinar on July 15th titled A Healthy Recovery: Charting the path forward.

Global Climate and Health Summit at COP25 in Madrid
At COP25, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) convened…

WHA72 Side Event: Collaborating to Drive Progress on Climate Change and Health
On 24th May 2019, the Global Climate and Health Alliance and the World Health Organization will launch the WHO-Civil Society Working Group to Advance Action on Climate Change and Health alongside the 72nd World Health Assembly.

Global Climate and Health Summit at COP24, Kowtice
On 8th December, 2018 the World Health Organization, together with the Global Climate and Health Alliance, the European Committee of the Regions, and the Pro Silesia Association,..