Coverage: 45 Million Health Professionals Call for Climate action

Coverage: 45 Million Health Professionals Call for Climate action

“We know that climate change is impacting people’s health, this is increasingly visible around the world. We also know that many solutions to address climate change offer tremendous health co-benefits,” said Dr Jeni Miller of Global Climate and Health Alliance, the organisation which drafted the letter. “The health community is really seeing that if we don’t step up and call for action on climate change, we’re failing the patients and the communities that we care for.”

Inside Climate: Many Nations Receive Failing Scores on Climate Change and Health

Inside Climate: Many Nations Receive Failing Scores on Climate Change and Health

Jeni Miller, executive director of the alliance, an international consortium of health professionals and organizations, said that recognizing the gaps in current climate change mitigation plans, and adapting them to respond to the real-time health effects of global warming, is essential to do now, so that governments will have time to adapt before this year’s rescheduled COP26 summit. 

Education for sustainable development: Links between the planet’s wellbeing and human health

Education for sustainable development: Links between the planet’s wellbeing and human health

India Education Diary: The COVID-19 pandemic is spurring new global discussions on global health and sustainability. In December 2020, UNESCO’s online workshop series focused on the interconnectedness of the health of people and planet, highlighted by the pandemic, and the role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in facilitating the transformation required for a more sustainable world.

Tracking infectious diseases in a warming world

Tracking infectious diseases in a warming world

In a rapidly changing world, how can researchers, health professionals, and policy makers keep track of climate change risks and intervene accordingly? How can policy options be evaluated? One emerging strategy is the use of climate change “indicators”…

COP25 hit stalemate over Paris deal implementation

COP25 hit stalemate over Paris deal implementation

Delegates from more than 190 countries are still talking at the COP25 climate summit in Madrid on how to include ambitious targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions in a final document. Emissions have risen by 4 per cent since 2015, and cuts of more than 7% a year will be needed in the next decade to avoid dangerous temperatures rises.

Stalemate continues in UN climate talks

Stalemate continues in UN climate talks

The two-week-long climate negotiations, named COP25, undergoing in this Spanish capital was scheduled to conclude on Friday. But negotiators have been unable to arrive unanimously on commitments that would see nations to make new pledges by the end of 2020 despite endless rounds of negotiations and back-channel diplomacy.

47 Experts Urge NSW Government to Defend NSW Law and Climate

47 Experts Urge NSW Government to Defend NSW Law and Climate

GCHA Board member and founder of Australia’s Climate and Health Alliance, Fiona Armstrong RN, joins other scientists and experts to demand government of New South Wales, Australia include climate change when assessing impacts of proposed NSW coal mines.

The Irish Times: The health crisis that comes with climate disruption

The Irish Times: The health crisis that comes with climate disruption

Scientists and doctors unite in call to act on climate change to protect human health. “An environmental crisis is also a health crisis” is the stark message from health professionals keen to draw sharp attention to the health impacts of climate change around the world. Scientists and doctors might seem to be unlikely activists but…

In Our Backyard: How climate change can impact your health

In Our Backyard: How climate change can impact your health

Diseases popping up where they never have before, and physicians aren’t trained to combat them is just one way Canadians’ health is being impacted by climate change. GCHA board member Dr. Courtney Howard provides advice to a medical colleague.