Declaration Header

During the 2021 Regional Consultations on Climate and Health, GCHA held a workshop, led by Dr. Jeni Miller, where we highlighted the importance of bringing health voices to the climate conversation through an organizational declaration, position statement, or public letter. This is a powerful way to do so as the message is carried by trusted voices and it makes a meaningful difference in garnering support for climate action and accelerating it. 

In the lead up to COP26 and beyond, we invite a diversity of health voices, in each country, to help build a drumbeat, pushing for urgent climate action to ensure a healthy future.

Linking those efforts through regional and international networks & communications shows international health alignment on the urgency of climate action and lends international backing to nationally led demands. 

A database of existing declarations, public statements, letters to the editor and calls to action  from around the world is displayed below for you to draw inspiration for your own draft. The table is fully searchable so you are able to find analogous statements by topic, type of organization, geography or else.

This database is available to you thanks to the invaluable help of our interns, medical students from around the world: Ian Inestroza, Sofia Lasso, Fatima Albasri, Marcarious, Andrea Cortez.

Declaration builder 1

At the Regional Consultations we brainstormed the possible content of a declaration which could be easily adapted by your health or development organization and once on air, join your voice in the continuous drumbeat on climate and health that decision makers and the public need to hear. The work we started together has been developed into this web-based tool to help you pick up from where we left off.

Declaration builder 2

At the Regional Consultations we brainstormed the possible content of a declaration which could be easily adapted by your health or development organization and once on air, join your voice in the continuous drumbeat on climate and health that decision makers and the public need to hear. The work we started together has been developed into this web-based tool to help you pick up from where we left off. 

Declaration builder 3

At the Regional Consultations we brainstormed the possible content of a declaration which could be easily adapted by your health or development organization and once on air, join your voice in the continuous drumbeat on climate and health that decision makers and the public need to hear. The work we started together has been developed into this web-based tool to help you pick up from where we left off.

Declaration builder 4

At the Regional Consultations we brainstormed the possible content of a declaration which could be easily adapted by your health or development organization and once on air, join your voice in the continuous drumbeat on climate and health that decision makers and the public need to hear. The work we started together has been developed into this web-based tool to help you pick up from where we left off.