UN Publication Quotes GCHA’s Healthy NDC Scorecards

UN Publication Quotes GCHA’s Healthy NDC Scorecards

We’re honoured to see our Healthy NDC Scorecard quoted extensively on page 32 of the UNDESA and UNFCCC publication Synergy Solutions for a World in Crisis: Tackling Climate and SDG Action Together, launched on September 13, 2023

Devex: Climate change’s toll on global health increasingly getting attention

Devex: Climate change’s toll on global health increasingly getting attention

“Absolutely zero progress was made [at COP27] on a commitment to fully phase out fossil fuels, and without tackling the major root cause of the climate crisis, we cannot fully protect health,” said Jeni Miller, executive director of the Global Climate and Health Alliance. “There wasn’t any progress made on that. They just repeated the same language as at COP 26.”

COP27 Media Coverage

COP27 Media Coverage

Here’s a roundup of some of the top media coverage achieved by the Global Climate and Health Alliance during COP27. 

Democracy Now! Health leaders talk to Amy Goodman during COP26

Democracy Now! Health leaders talk to Amy Goodman during COP26

Amit Singh from Students for Global Health and Dr Jeni Miller of Global Climate and Health Alliance spoke with Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman from COP26, 12 November 2021, about how 46 million health workers from around the world are calling on world leaders to protect people’s health from heatwaves, air pollution, extreme weather events, and the need to keep global temperature rises below 1.5C.