Climate change and an epidemic of mosquito-carried diseases

Climate change and an epidemic of mosquito-carried diseases PAID AND PRESENTED BY FORECASTING HEALTHY FUTURESPART OF THE CLIMATE AND US SERIES As climate change threatens more extreme weather, communities are at increased risk of disaster. The impacts of the climate...

How Gen Z are taking on eco-anxiety

How Gen Z are taking on eco-anxietY Feature presented by the Global Climate and Health Alliance. Concerns for the future of the planet are rising among the younger generations. Now it’s impacting their mental health. Across the world, Generation Z are confronted...

Why climate change is a global health crisis

Why climate change is a global health crisis Feature presented by the Global Climate and Health Alliance as part of the Climate and Us series.  Climate change is predicted to push an additional 132 million people into poverty worldwide by 2030 – of which one third...
Switching Lifestyle Habits to Win the Climate Change Challenge

Switching Lifestyle Habits to Win the Climate Change Challenge

Human health is closely interconnected to animal and planetary health, our lifestyles are largely determined by the environment that surrounds us, in the same way that human habits impact the health and balance of the entire ecosystem. The latest Covid-19 pandemic...