Health at Bonn Climate Conference: Unconscionable Failure of Developed Countries To Address Loss and Damage

Health at Bonn Climate Conference: Unconscionable Failure of Developed Countries To Address Loss and Damage

As the Bonn Climate Change Conference closed this week, the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) described as “unconscionable” the failure by governments to progress towards financing for loss and damage – support to deal with the harms experienced by low income countries due to climate change impacts – and called on developed countries to ensure that the issue be put front and centre of COP27 negotiations.

Webinar: Code Red for the health response in Latin America and the Caribbean:  enhancing people’s health through climate action

Webinar: Code Red for the health response in Latin America and the Caribbean: enhancing people’s health through climate action

Following publication of an article in Lancet Regional Health – Americas by representatives of organizations that make up the Climate and Health Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, a webinar will present the articles’s message, “Code Red for the health response in Latin America and the Caribbean: improving people’s health through climate action”.

IPCC Mitigation Climate Report: Health and Equity Must Be Central to Climate Policy

IPCC Mitigation Climate Report: Health and Equity Must Be Central to Climate Policy

“By putting health and equity at the centre of climate policy making, governments can deliver policies that garner widespread support and maximise returns on investment. Policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions can also deliver cleaner air and water, healthier diets, more livable cities, and transportation systems designed to benefit the health and wellbeing of people.”

Health and Social Equity Must Form Beating Heart of COP26 Negotiations – Health Sector

Health and Social Equity Must Form Beating Heart of COP26 Negotiations – Health Sector

World leaders must make health and social equity the beating heart of COP26 negotiations, by taking concerted action to limit global heating to less than 1.5C in line with Paris Climate Agreement and findings of the scientific community, and delivering a rapid and just transition away from fossil fuels – beginning with immediate cuts to subsidies, said the Global Climate and Health Alliance today.